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Pros of Homeschooling – Breaking Down 9 Common Myths

We imagine you have landed here because you are curious about the pros of homeschooling. Welcome!

Technically speaking, homeschooling has been around longer than traditional schooling. But both have seen great changes over time. Like anything, it’s hard to fully understand something unless you have lived it. That’s what makes asking for advice from experts so beneficial.

We wanted to help you better understand what it means to take part in homeschooling and have pulled together the Pros of Homeschooling – Breaking Down 9 Common Myths

MYTH #1: I’m Too Busy to Homeschool My Kids

While it varies from family to family (and grade level to grade level), most homeschool families do not have 8-hour school days. Some may think that a certain # of hours dictates how much you learn… but when you homeschool, learning is happening all the time. The more formal learning often takes anywhere from 2-6 hours a day, depending on how old your kids are & whether or not you have certain excursions, field trips or other activities planned. So, if you’re worried about how you’d find the time to homeschool, know that your schedule can be flexible, giving you the freedom to do what works for you and your family!

MYTH #2: Homeschool Kids Are Stuck Indoors

The flexibility that homeschooling brings actually provides A LOT of opportunities for families to take their learning & explorations outdoors, to museums, on trips, and really wherever they’d like. As a homeschool parent, you can open your kids’ eyes to the world around them in so many ways, and you can cultivate life-long family memories along the way!

MYTH #3: Homeschool Kids Miss Out on Extracurricular Activities

Nowadays, homeschoolers basically have the same options for extracurricular activities as students in public school do; & their flexibility gives them a lot of time to pursue & participate in the activities they love. There are homeschool sports teams, clubs of all kinds (like Boy/Girl Scouts), and a number of co-op options. Depending on where you live, it may also be possible for your kids to participate in some of the clubs, teams & other activities available at your local public schools.

MYTH #4: Homeschool Kids Don’t Have Friends or Social Lives

We’ve all heard this myth, and it really couldn’t be further from the truth. Between co-ops, extra-curricular sports and activities, and the flexibility that homeschooling provides, there are so many opportunities for homeschooled kids to socialize and build friendships with others. Plus, there’s a good chance they’ll form deeper friendships with their siblings, since they get to learn, walk through life, and learn how to closely interact & cooperate with them on a daily basis.

MYTH #5: I Don’t Know Enough / I am Not Qualified to Teach

If you’re a parent, you’ve been teaching your children from the very beginning! You taught them how to take their first steps, how to talk, how to eat & socialize with others, and so many other things that you may not even realize. You know & understand your kids more deeply than anyone else, which uniquely equips you to be their educator. You don’t have to be an expert in all, or really any subjects; there are countless resources out there that can provide you with the guidance & support you need.

MYTH #6: Homeschool Kids Will Get Behind in Their Studies

In public school, your kids are placed with 20+ others in a classroom, all taught the same things & at the same pace. The beauty of homeschooling is that you get to cater & mold your children’s classes & studies to them in more personalized ways – considering & making choices based on their unique learning styles, paces, interests, gifts & passions.

MYTH #7: Homeschool Kids Have a Harder Time Getting Into College

Overall, homeschooled students do very well in college; statistically, they often outperform non-homeschoolers. In fact, homeschooled kids actually have a higher rate of attending college than any other group of kids. Self-motivation, self-discipline, and managing their own time are just a few skills / reasons that some top-tier colleges actually seek out kids who were homeschooled!

MYTH #8: Homeschool Families Aren’t an Active Part of a Community

There are countless homeschooling events, science fairs, social media groups, co-ops & more that all offer wonderful ways for homeschooling families to connect with their neighbors and communities. Again, the flexibility that homeschooling allows actually increases opportunity to gather and connect with others throughout the week.

MYTH #9: Homeschool Kids Won’t Be Prepared for The Real World

Homeschooling your kids is an opportunity to prepare them for the real world in EVERY way – beyond math, reading, and the typical school subjects. As their parent & teacher, you can help your kids develop knowledge, wisdom, and life skills that extend far beyond a traditional classroom setting. Homeschooled kids actually have more time and flexibility to go out into the “real world” throughout the entirety of their school years. Experiencing life together, and having important & deep conversations about every aspect of life with your kids along the way, will equip them with what they need to step into adulthood with confidence.

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